Following is the code to check the rights of the users. Following code will show only those sites for which user has at least "Reader" rights.
Function CheckRights(ByVal sitePath As String, Byval strUser as string) As Boolean
//sitePath contains the site that you retrieved in the code shown above
// strUser contains the user for whom you want to check the rights and retrieve sites
Dim blnStatus As Boolean = False
If Not sitePath Is Nothing Or Not sitePath = "" Then
Dim rtn As String() = parseURL(sitePath)
Dim siteCollection As SPSite
siteCollection = New SPSite(sitePath)
Dim site As SPWeb = siteCollection.OpenWeb(rtn(0))
Dim allUsers As SPUserCollection = site.Users
Dim user As SPUser
For Each user In allUsers
If user.LoginName.ToUpper = strUser Then
Dim allGroups As SPRoleCollection = user.Roles
Dim group As SPRole
For Each group In allGroups
Dim right As Integer
right = group.PermissionMask And SPRights.ViewListItems
If right = SPRights.ViewListItems Then
blnStatus = True
Return blnStatus
Exit Function
End If
End If
Return blnStatus
End If
Catch ex As Exception
//Exception handling code here!
End Try
End Function
The function shown above (CheckRights) uses another function called as parseURL(). Following is the code for the parseURL() function:
Public Function parseURL(ByVal _fullPath As String) As String()
_fullPath = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_fullPath)
Dim site As SPSite = New SPSite(_fullPath)
Dim web As SPWeb = site.RootWeb
Dim webPath As String = _fullPath.Replace(web.Url & "/", "")
Dim rtnObject As String() = {"", "", ""}
Dim w As SPWeb
Dim folderPath As String = ""
Dim docLibPath As String = ""
Dim i, j As Integer
While CType(w, Object) Is Nothing
w = site.OpenWeb(webPath)
Dim s As String = w.ID.ToString
'//above will raise the exception too
Catch ex As Exception
w = Nothing
i = webPath.LastIndexOf("/")
If i = -1 Then
Exit While '//means the end of subsite lookup
End If
j = webPath.Length
webPath = webPath.Remove(i, j – i)
End Try
End While
'//if there was some sub-site object then
If Not CType(w, Object) Is Nothing Then
folderPath = _fullPath.Substring(_fullPath.IndexOf(webPath) + webPath.Length + 1)
If folderPath.IndexOf("/") > 0 Then
docLibPath = folderPath.Substring(0, folderPath.IndexOf("/"))
folderPath = folderPath.Remove(0, folderPath.IndexOf("/") + 1)
End If
If docLibPath = webPath Then webPath = "" '_fullPath
rtnObject(0) = webPath
rtnObject(1) = docLibPath
rtnObject(2) = folderPath
Else '//there was no sub-site obect was found
folderPath = _fullPath.Substring(_fullPath.IndexOf(webPath))
If folderPath.IndexOf("/") > 0 Then
docLibPath = folderPath.Substring(0, folderPath.IndexOf("/"))
folderPath = folderPath.Remove(0, folderPath.IndexOf("/") + 1)
End If
If docLibPath = webPath Then webPath = "" '_fullPath
rtnObject(0) = webPath
rtnObject(1) = docLibPath
rtnObject(2) = folderPath
End If
Return rtnObject
End Function
This code will look complex but it is easy to use. Just supply the arguments and get the results. I could have created a web part as well but i have published the code so that max. number of users can take advantage. Of course, you can create a web part as well.