A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013

A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013
A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013 - Book by Saifullah Shafiq

Monday, September 3, 2012

Mobile website design

This is the mobile website Wali Systems created last week! Cool design! Isn't it???

Another artistic web design work!

Another artistic web graphics work by Wali Systems!!!!

Some latest Design work!

Cool Design work by Wali Systems!!!

Write Powershell output to file

./script.ps1 | Out-File “C:\test.txt”

How to find which site is denying access to the user

Sometimes it happens that you give permissions to the users to access a site, but they get “Access Denied” when they try to access the site. Usually the reason is that they do not have access to some lists or subsites that are part of the main site but have unique permissions. For example, style library, pages library, etc. Make sure you give them access to all lists that come under the main site and have unique permissions. One way of finding the list that denies users access is to check the URL when user gets the “Access Denied” error.  URL looks like the following:

Name attribute in the URL contains the list ID that is denying user access.

1.       To see which list it is, log in as a user that can access the site. Go to the site where you intend to give permissions to the user.
2.       Open any existing list in the site.
3.       Go to list settings.

URL will look like following:

List attribute contains the current list’s GUID. Replace it with the one you saw in the previous link (when you/user got “Access Denied” error). Hit enter. It will show you the list settings. Now you know the list name. Go to the list permissions and add user there. Now they should be able to access the main site. If they still get “Access Denied”, repeat the process to find other lists that have unique permissions. Add user to all lists with unique permissions.

Domain users not found in people picker

This is because main application’s app pool should be using a domain account. If you are using a local account, the people picker will not show the domain users. It will only show local machine users. Change the account to domain account and the app will start showing the domain users.

Delete site with threshold error

If you get following error when trying to delete a site, try deleting the site from “Manage Content and Structure” link instead.

The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the

You can get this error in different scenarios. This can be resolved by going to Central Admin site and increasing the list threshold value. If you need exact steps, there are many articles on the net, here is one of them (very detailed):

If you just want to delete the site and  you get this error, go to “Manage Content and Structure” under
“Site Actions” and delete the site from there. You won’t get this error there.

Delete (SharePoint) site that has subsites

Delete site that has subsites

If you get this error:

Obviously one solution is to go and delete the subsites and then delete the parent site. The other way is to go to “Manage Content and Structure” under “Site Actions” and delete the site from there. It will delete the site no matter how many subsites were contained in there.

Delete managed account in SharePoint 2010

Sometimes when you are trying to delete a managed account from the SharePoint, you get an error message that account is still being used therefore it cannot be deleted. If this account is being used and is not visible to the naked eye then chances are it is being used in an application pool. Good thing is that error message shows you the pools that are still using this account. You go to IIS and search for the pools, you don’t find them. Use PowerShell to resolve the issue. Here is the error message:

Delete Managed Account in SharePoint 2010 
1.       Open SharePoint 2010 Management Shell and run following command to remove the culprit pool.

Remove-spserviceapplicationpool –identity <pool name>

2.       Now add the pool back with new managed account so that you can delete the old managed account.

New-spserviceapplicationpool –name <pool name> -account  <domain\user>

To confirm if the pool has been created or not, use the following command:

Get-spserviceapplicationpool –identity <pool name>