A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013

A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013
A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013 - Book by Saifullah Shafiq

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Role of Technology in the Healthcare Industry

Necessity is the mother of invention

Technology has never been futile; every now and then it stuns us with some jaw dropping inventions. Like any other industry, it has greatly benefited the health care sector too; easing the work of medical practitioners and providing relief to the patients. From illness diagnosis to best curative treatment, everything is possible within a short time. In many cases patients recuperate quickly and advanced medical procedures have made pain less severe for them. Along with this, healthcare apps and remote consultation has made it convenient for patients to discuss their issues online, without travel hassles. Now let's delve deeper and find more about how technology has uplifted the healthcare industry.

No more bulky files!

1.      Digitized Medical Records and Big data

Nowadays, details of the patients are summed up and saved in the form of electronic medical records. This digitized record includes the patient’s X rays, CT scans, diagnoses, prescriptions, lab reports and even information regarding their stay at the hospital. Medical professionals and lab assistants can exchange information electronically which lessens the chances of errors and negligence. In short, digital records are time saving, more accurate and lead to better coordination within the healthcare departments. Moreover, with the new healthcare technology, big data collection has become cost effective and efficient. In addition, cloud storage has made it easier to securely store this data. Medical professionals can use this information for R&D, predictions of future diseases and later come up with advanced medical treatments or preventative measures to curb their spread.

Install apps now!

2.      Healthcare Apps

Today every person carries a smartphone and due to technological advancements, a number of healthcare apps have been introduced. Since these apps provide customized solutions to the users, people can keep themselves fit by keeping a track of their daily consumption and activity levels. Patients can also get their test results, receive medical reminders or any other information related to their health or appointments. Such apps can also help specialists to deal with the side effects of certain medicines, provide solutions to patients and make diagnosis easier.

Anywhere around the world

3.      Telemedicine

Telemedicine has been a life saver. With this technology, patients can reach out and consult doctors and experts around the globe even if they are in a critical condition. Patients who are bedridden or confined to their homes can use telemedicine devices to connect remotely with the medical professionals either through video calls or the apps. It allows you to transmit bio signals, reports, images or share any other medical information with the doctor for consultation, without the need for patient-doctor presence at the same time. 

Tech is life saving

4.      Better Patient Care

Medical practitioners have been using advanced tools and technologies in order to provide better health service to their patients. As mentioned earlier, EHRs can be used to retrieve a patient’s past medical records in order to make rational decisions. Similarly, Virtual Reality apps, tools and gadgets have been very useful for patients dealing with depression, dementia, stress and other mental health related issues. Augmented Reality has eased the task for surgeons while performing a surgery. For example, it minimizes the chances of errors when they are locating a tumor during a surgery. Even AR vein detection scanners show a clear image of the vein on the screen. Apart from this, with the help of 3D technology, prosthetics and other devices have been introduced for patients who are suffering from certain impairments and disabilities.

Technology has been benign to the healthcare industry in many ways. It has not just improved the overall quality of services and experience of patients but has also allowed medical experts to explore new avenues and enhance their skills with time.


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