A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013

A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013
A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013 - Book by Saifullah Shafiq

Monday, July 17, 2023

Tips for Personal Success

Believe in yourself

Success is not a child's play that is based on chance or luck. Rather, it’s a kind of chain reaction and a long journey that involves years of struggles. The most important things that count in success are perseverance, self-belief and the amount of effort you put in pursuit of your dreams. Sometimes, people get so unmotivated to such an extent that they are on the brink of giving up on everything. They fail to appreciate their past achievements when they are unable to achieve their present goals. There is an exhaustive list of tips for the attainment of success that might motivate individuals, but in this article, we will be shedding light on some of the major ones. 

Do not look for people's validation

Stop worrying about whether people will like your idea or simply shun it and start to seek internal validation by focusing on whether you are in favor of it or not. We humans are accustomed to getting feedback from our parents or teachers or even likes on our social media accounts when we share or upload something. People's feedback leads to positive reinforcement. But your inner belief is what takes you forward and makes your objectives achievable. So, you must be honest with yourself.

Learn from your failures and develop a positive thinking

Remember that overnight success is just a myth. Each step you take counts helps in getting closer to the end result. Life is a learning phase so appreciate those little victories and learn from the mistakes and failures rather than fretting and degrading yourself. Tell yourself that you are not less than anyone and you can do it. Cultivate the habit of having a positive mindset by questioning yourself "what went wrong and how can you improve it." 

Avoid distractions and set your own calendar

There are multiple things that might distract you while you are at work. Note down all such things that waste your time. This can be your play station, your phone, a television series or any other gadget or thing. Your first priority must be the attainment of your goals. Do not be double minded and set a time to dedicate those hours for work and be punctual. You can develop work ethics by shutting yourself in a room, setting a daily agenda, sticking to that schedule and switching off your phone. You can evaluate the progress you have made on the basis of that calendar.

Personal success is hard earned and you have to be productive. But make sure you do not obsess over it and get burned out at the end. Just balance out your work, health and personal life.


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