A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013

A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013
A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013 - Book by Saifullah Shafiq

Monday, July 31, 2023

The Downside of E Marketing

Nowadays, the use of the internet and social media have increased immensely as every individual has their own smartphones. They look for products, search for their reviews, browse websites, watch tutorials and then make an online purchase. This has encouraged companies to promote their products and services through online platforms. However, there are some disadvantages of e marketing which are highlighted below.

Inaccessibility and Privacy Concerns

Online marketing has enabled companies to target and reach global customers. However, there are some areas where brands cannot reach out, not because of geographical inaccessibility but due to poor or no internet service, especially in rural areas. Also, if the advertisement is for the illiterate or elderly people i.e. an advertisement of cigarettes then the digital marketing is not the best tool. E marketing also brings security and privacy concerns. In order to gain consumer trust, brands have to safeguard customers' information and data. If they fail to provide data security then they might lose them. Thus, it is essential to use vulnerability scanners to identify and prevent security issues.

Technological Dependency

For digital marketing to be successful, you have to invest in technological devices and gadgets as everything entirely depends on them. Moreover, you cannot reach out to those who are not technologically savvy and cannot use such devices. Sometimes, customers face multiple issues at the same time i.e. page loading speed is too low, website is unable to function, or search engine optimization is inadequate. As a result, companies lose their website traffic because customers turn towards other brands who are excellent in terms of service and quality, provide seamless experience and hardly go through technical malfunctioning.

Global Competition and Negative Customer Feedback

Companies can reach and target people worldwide via online platforms, so there has been a rise in global competition which means brands have to come up with new ways to attract customers. They have to devise strategies to compete and stand out against a number of competitors who target the same audience. Another issue with e marketing is that brand reputation can be damaged quickly if your customer service is poor and you do not timely deal with their issues. Customers will immediately react by posting negative comments and reviews about the company on social media. Sometimes, individuals spread rumors or engage in anti-brand activities to harm the brand image. This is also called cybersquatting.

Maintenance Cost and Piracy Issues

E marketing decreases the number of expenses of a company but the company still has to invest in technology and gadgets. Other than that, they will have to recruit technical specialists to handle their digital marketing channels. Another drawback is that competitors are always keeping an eye on your strategies and tactics. So, when you are successful in your promotional tactics, it is more likely that they will imitate your ideas.

Putting it all together, every brand that seeks help through digital marketing will face the negative consequences. In spite of that, brands must engage in e marketing activities and seek technical assistance because online marketing gives a competitive edge to businesses. 



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